Driven By Innovation
For over 10 years, J&J Marketing Group has valued innovation, creativity, and quality. We take pride in everything that we do.
A Diversified
Holding Company
J&J Marketing is a holding company operating primarily in the United States with multiple affiliate offices in Asia and Europe.
Proud of our Midwestern American heritage, we chose Minneapolis, MN as our headquarters. Additionally, we discovered that we have a passion for the diversity for the western and southern states so we chose Dallas, TX as the home of our corporate office and Los Angeles, CA as our second headquarters, and in total, we have 57 locations worldwide.
J&J Marketing is made up of a number of diverse and sturdy operating divisions, which span the marketing, media, manufacturing, entertainment, medical, printing, art, hosting, web security, and software industries.
Dedicated to our innovative contribution.
Leading the top marketing agency
Our root is marketing.
Although we have expanded our operating divisions, our principal practice remains in marketing. Our marketing agency helps our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and online presence that communicates clearly to their customers.
Free consultations are offered and available by our fantastic consulting team that, not only specializes in excellent customer service and communication, but is also fluent in communicating what you need for your next project.
We make it affordable, simple and easy.
No plan or idea is ever the same.
We have creative visionaries that implement and execute strategic plans that are made specifically for you.
Your brand will never be like anyone else's.
In order for customers to know about you and to stay relevant in today's markets, you will need to build your online presence. Building or maintaining your online presence is never easy, especially without any experience or the right tools. That's why our leading marketing agency is here to help. We have over 10 years of experience and all the advance tools and creative minds you will need to achieve a successful brand identity.
Although we have expanded our business practices to other markets and industries, marketing remains as one of our principal businesses. We continue to thrive as one of the best marketing agency's.
HYPE Agency is our affiliated marketing agency that is ranked one of the top 10 agency's for digital marketing. HYPE is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in web/app development, graphic design, social media marketing, PR, illustration, and so much more.
Click on the 'Learn More' button to get started with HYPE.

Investing in the digital future.
We’ve helped many businesses move forward for over 10 years by looking at and doing things differently. We adapt and change, always striving for the best and by always thinking forward.
Today, we change the lives of millions every year across the world, all with long-term profitable growth prospects. Our revolutionary spirit helps uncover new opportunities, new technologies, new business models. We can improve the world through smarter technology, as we have always done and will continue to do.